Moonpie General store – home to nostalgia

The Moon Pie General Stores are truly a destination retail experience for visitors that enter through their doors. Featuring iconic candy and gifts from days gone by, MoonPie General Stores produce an immediate smile on the face of their customers. In addition to unique gifts, several of the stores offer food service with full service ice cream fountains and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  

Visitors can also take a virtual tour of the Chattanooga Bakery plant by watching a free video in the store on how millions of MoonPies are made each year. The stores actually bring the brand to life as it is typical to hear a nostalgic story from fans of the iconic Southern product while browsing. The customers from all over the world know about the Moon Pie, an iconic product manufactured in Chattanooga from the Chattanooga Bakery which was founded in 1902 as a subsidiary of the Mountain City Flour Mill. A fifth generation, family-owned business, the company made nearly 200 snack cake and cookie items under the Lookout™  trademark, named after the popular residential and tourist community near Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain. In 1917, after a brainstorming conversation between a bakery salesman and some Appalachian coal miners, the MoonPie was born, and by the late 1930’s was the bakery’s #1 seller. Today, people love MoonPies as much as they ever have. With the addition of minis and all the flavors to choose from it has become the #1 size.  One hundred years later, MoonPies continue to be a tradition passed down from generation to generation.

The Chattanooga MoonPie General Store is located downtown, at 429 Broad St.. There are three other stores in the Southeast.  They are located in Lynchburg, TN, Pigeon Forge, TN.  and Charleston, SC. For more information visit them on the web at or call 423/877-0592 

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